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Technology Write for Us

Technology Write for Us

Technology Write for Us

We hear about technology almost daily. Unlike the concept of science,  technology would seem to be closer to us because we recognize that we live permanently immersed in it. We even see it in new spaces that we must go through, speeding up processes and shortening times. And we also hear of it when it is blame for the distance between people, their depersonalization and its undesirable effects on life and the environment.

In short, we know of many uses of technology: it heals but it also kills, it educates but it also impoverishes though, it speeds up or complicates our lives, and it brings people closer and further apart. It would appear that there are technophilic and technophobic positions between which we debate while we live with it. It is not new because there has been technology since the first hominid took a piece of wood in his hands and used it to defend his children from beasts or kill a neighbour to keep his resources. That piece of wood was already technology.

Importance of Technology

Discoveries and the appearance of new tools resulting from technology have been the key to developing human beings and societies. Technology brings great discoveries that improve production, save time, increase quality of life, facilitate life in the community, shorten distances, and learn to know the planet.

Technology emerged as a human need to satisfy individual and collective desires using scientific knowledge and techniques to solve problems and meet their needs. It has enabled human beings to fully understand the environment and modify it to achieve their objectives; Over the centuries, man has invented and modified tools to improve his way of life.

Technological Characteristics

  • It is present in all areas of personal life and society, such as work, education, medicine, and communication.
  • It makes it possible to manufacture new objects: through it, the human being modifies the environment surrounding it.
  • He is responsible for most of man’s discoveries.
  • If used well, it improves the quality of human life. If used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to individuals and society.
  • It is likely to evolve (technological evolutions occur discontinuously).
  • Its developments involve cultural, professional and social changes.
  • Uneven technological development can create social and economic gaps within a community or between regions or nations.

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Applied science

Electronic components

Industrial science

Technical knowledge

High tech

Scientific knowledge

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