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Web Development Write for Us

Web development is the processof creating and keeping websites. It can involve various actions, from coding and design to content management and web server administration.

Likewise, web development consists of using programming languages ​​such as HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript, and many others to write programs that will make your site practical, dynamic and agile. Also, coding is part of the daily life of a developer. Also, the developer’s role as a designer makes him an essential piece of the game’s future.

Roles of People in the Area of ​​Web Development

Several different roles are involved in web development, each with its techniques and responsibilities. These are the functions of those who work in the web development area of ​​a company:

A Web Developer is responsible for coding and creating the website. Work with designers to create a design that meets the client’s needs and write the code to bring that design to life.

The CSS Designer: is responsible for the appearance of a website. They create style sheets that dictate the appearance of each element on a page.

An HTML encoder: the encoder takes the layouts created by the CSS designer and converts them into actual HTML code. Also, it ensures that all the elements on a page are in the right place and can be style as desired.

Javascript Developer: describes the code that makes websites interactive. He participates in creating the software and ensures that the website is ready to be public.

The web server: administrator is responsible for setting up and maintaining the web server that hosts the website. It ensures that the server is working properly and is up to the website’s demands.

Differences Between Web Design and Development

Differences Between Web Design and Development

Web design is the process of creating the look of a website, while web development is the process of making that website work. In other words, web design remains all about how a website looks, while web  is all about how it works.

Web Developer: A web developer remains accountable for creating the website, writing the code, and ensuring everything works properly. They usually have a background in computer science or engineering.

Web Designer: A web designer is responsible for the look and feel of the website, including layout, fonts, colours, and images. They usually have training in graphic design or visual communication.

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